This Thing Called Motherhood...
Well, today proves that my boys definitely still need their mommy!
Well, today proves that my boys definitely still need their mommy!
Sometime I feel incapable of being "super mom" and you know, that is okay. I am not perfect and God never intended me to be.
But on days like this I have to remember that my children DO need their mommy and that I AM important. No matter how busy I get with work or how messy I think my house is I have to remember that I am right where I need to be. God has called me to be a mother and this is a time in my life where my children need me the most.
Christian, my 5 year old, has been recovering from bronchitis since going the doctors on Monday. I thought he was getting better until he woke up with a flaming ear ache! I felt so bad for the little guy. I called the doctor's office ASAP and got him in. Our doctor wasn't in today, but thankfully they put us with another doctor (who is awesome, by the way. He's an older man and is very experienced. I always tell the kids that he is some other little boy and girl's papa. They get a kick out of it.) Anyway, decided that I had better get him in. So I got Wesley up (my 3 year old), who after touching him realized he had a fever! So, great. Well, I guess since I'm already taking him with me I might as well have the doctor check him out too!
So we ventured into the doctor's office bright and early this morning. It was evident that Christian was NOT feeling well as he was screaming, writhing around in pain. I felt so bad for him. Come to find out BOTH boys have an upper respiratory infection. Christian has an ear infection (there was no doubt about that!) and flaming red tonsils (double whammy!). Wesley also has a sinus infection and a fever.
Fortunately these are the first real sickness we have had this winter. So, I am happy for that! But I have had such a busy week and this was the last thing I had wanted to deal with. But, you know. Maybe it was God's way of telling me that I am NOT super mom. I'm just a mom who puts their children's needs before anyone else's. Plain and simple.
No matter how crazy or chaotic life gets we all need to remember to stop and enjoy life. Enjoy your babies! Enjoy being a mom.
Tomorrow we get to register Christian for t-ball. I am VERY excited about this. Probably TOO excited! After realizing that I wasn't meant to have anymore babies I was sad for a long time. But I can now say that I am at peace about it and am excited for the next stage in life. Christian will be going to kindergarten this fall. Although it turns my stomach thinking that my baby will be in elementary school at the same time I am excited! I am excited for him and excited that I get to be a part of this special time in his life.
God has blessed me beyond measure. I am so thankful for my little blessings I call family.
My challenge for you is this: Put down your phone. Log off of your computer. Turn off the TV. Don't worry about your messy house! No matter what stage you are in in this season of life called motherhood STOP and take the time to enjoy your children. They are truly a gift from God. And although I can say mine drive me crazy every day, I can say that I love them to pieces!
***And I am happy to say that they are already starting to feel better!** :)