Tuesday, January 31, 2012

True Beauty and Soul Searching: A Personal Blog

I'm a little behind with my Project 52 posts, but that's ok? Right? :)

The project for this week (2nd week) was Self-Portrait.
I'm not one to take photos of myself and post them for the world to see. Ok, who am I kidding. I do it all of the time. Well, I DID do it all of the time. I don't as much anymore as I used to in my younger days. You won't find me with "kissy faces" or "duck lips" in many of my photos anymore. Not exactly sure if it's just my maturity level or the fact that I really don't like how I look in photos.

You know, it's just a given that girls will struggle with confidence and self-esteem in Junior High and High School, but to find them struggling as a grown woman? You would never even think that would be possible. You'd think being 28 you'd have it all together and  be confident in yourself and who you are as a wife, mother, friend and Woman of God.

But you know what? I'm not perfect. I have flaws. I don't like my chubby neck or my yellow teeth. I don't like my belly fat and "love handles". I could do without my calloused feet and man arms. I sometimes have a short temper. I get emotional too much and take things too personal. I compare myself to other woman all of the time. I am extremely disorganized (not dirty! Just messy) I find many things of myself that are unattractive and unbecoming (in the world's eyes). I am vulnerable and weak and I make mistakes.

But when I search deep down inside and pull out the feelings of self-worth (or lack of) and doubt I look at myself as fresh, new and raw. Beautiful in God's eyes. Why is it that this world has to be so self-centered, so self-absorbed? Why do I find it so easy to compare myself to others? Is that who God really wants us to be? Is that how He really wants us to feel?

Beauty is not found in lipstick and eyeliner. Self-worth is not found in trashy fashion magazines. Perfection is not found in a botched, "photoshopped" photo. Who I am is found in the power of my soul. God has given us a wonderful and precious life and who are we to doubt ourselves?

Do yourself a favor. Step in front of the mirror and say "I am beautiful. I am worth it. LIFE is worth it. My time on earth is too precious and too short to worry about who I am not." I find myself doing that frequently. Doing a little bit of soul searching and pointing out your good qualities every morning goes a long way!

Have I inspired you yet? :) I hope so.

I write these "personal blogs" not just for me to vent (Maybe just a little. Who am I kidding?) but for me to make a difference in another person's life. It's not just about fun and cute photos about this baby or that wedding or that quirky family or that rockin' senior. Sometimes you just have to "let go" and maybe somebody else would be touched by it. 

I want to share this short verse with you to remind you that you ARE beautiful in God's eyes. You mean something to somebody. It's not about having the perfect face or perfect body. It's about loving yourself who you are NOW and not who you want to be.

"You are altogether beautiful, my love; 
   there is no flaw in you." Song of Soloman 4:7

In ending these are a few things that I really do enjoy about myself....

-I like my eyes. They are 3 different colors. I think they are unique
-I think I have always had cute hair. I like to change the look a lot. I've always been complimented on my hair
-I have grown to love my freckles. The older I get the more freckles I get. And you know what? That's ok!
-I like my butt! Yes. I said it. I LIKE MY BUTT :) And my husband does too!
-I like my artistic abilities and creativeness.
-I like that I can make people laugh...most of the time :)
-I think I'm a pretty good mom! 
-I love being a wife. It's always been what I've wanted in life. And I love my husband and will do anything for him
-I think I set a good example for others. God has blessed me with great parents who have taught me right from wrong. I wouldn't be who I am today without them!

I challenge you to take the time to write down all of the qualities about yourself that you love, like or at least tolerate :) It really does bring you back to where you need to be, especially on icky days. Believe me. I have those from time to time! In fact, it's nearly noon and I'm still in my jammies and haven't showered...or brushed my teeth. How's that for honesty? :)

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Newman Kids Part 1: Fort Wayne, IN Kid Photographer

The Newman Kids: Part 1
Fort Wayne, IN

Had a chance to photograph these adorable set of siblings this weekend.

It was FREEZING to say the least, but we wanted to get a few fun shots outside. So glad we did! It was a fun session and the kids were great.

Look for Part 2 soon. You won't want to miss it! :)

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So glad the wind blew just right. Love this shot!
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A fun little Valentine's Day shot :)
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Oh gosh. I think this is my fave of this little guy <3
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A fun little prop I incorporated....and made, thank you :)
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Love these photos? Like us on Facebook
Want to book a session? Email us :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Adam and Layna Married: Waterloo, IN Wedding Photography

Adam and Layna's Wedding
Waterloo, IN

Church: New Hope Christian Center
Reception: Kendallville Event Center in Kendallville IN
Flowers: Lillian Rose

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Monday, January 9, 2012



by Stephani Lynn Photography