Friday, January 7, 2011

Seth and Megan's Wedding: Grabill, IN

Seth and Megan: Married! :)
Grabill Missionary Church
Grabill, IN
Reception at Cerutti's in Fort Wayne

I have to say this was such a BEAUTIFUL ceremony. Not your average cookie cutter ceremony. It was personal, and I like that.

Little touches here and there made the ceremony stand out. I can connect a little more because my wedding ceremony was a little unique...but also classy. But, it had enough emotion in it to make people stop and think "Wow :) That was a breath of fresh air"

I love doing weddings, because every one is different in their own way. It makes what I do enjoyable. Sometimes, after I shoot a wedding I think of things that I would've changed differently when I got married. But, that was 7 years ago. I wouldn't turn back time and change anything for the world.

Congrats Seth and Megan! May you live a long and blessed life together :)

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I always love the cake pictures!

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Wearing some cozy socks so he doesn't get "cold feet" :) haha, I love it!

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IMG_7432-1 copy are a Disney princess! Really! :)

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The lovely flowers from Rose's Bouquet in Fort Wayne. She always does a fantastic job!

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I know...corny jumping shot! :) Don't hate.

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I absolutely LOVE this one. If ONLY you knew what she was REALLY laughing about. hahaha

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And...last but not least...I threw in one of their engagement photos just for kicks! Yay! :)

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by Stephani Lynn Photography