Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nya's Birth Story: Auburn, IN Birth Photography

Nya's Birth Story
Dekalb Hospital
Auburn, IN

This was by far the longest birth I have ever witnessed (other than my own 2 births!)
Erica texted me early Sunday morning letting me know that her water had broke and she was at the hospital.  I told her to keep me updated and let me know when she was about 3 cm dilated so I could make arrangements to get to the hospital in time.

A few hours went by. I decided to take my camera to church just in case she called me and I needed to run by the hospital afterwards. Since we go to church near Dekalb I thought it would be convenient. But, I never heard from her. I kind of got a little worried. SURELY she would have progressed by now. So I text her. Still, nothing. She wasn't even 3 cm dilated yet.

So I decided to be patient and head home. I fed my boys, laid them down for a nap and got ready to go. Still, no word.

Spent the majority of the day by the phone...waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Still, no word.

By this point I was getting anxious and I'm sure Erica and David were getting more anxious than me! As being their first, I'm sure many thoughts were going through their head. 

It was about 11pm and after waiting by the phone all day I decided I had better go to bed. Well, just my luck I got a text from Erica's friend telling me that she was dilated enough for me to come 1am :) So I made my way to the hospital, expecting for her to deliver soon....

I ended up spending the night in the hospital on the couch. My husband was right. Those ARE uncomfortable! And here I thought he was just being a baby!

But, it was all worth it in the end! At noon on the dot Miss Nya made her appearance into the world!! 

She was as healthy and as beautiful as could be!

Congrats Erica and David. May you treasure this little blessing God has given you. They grow up fast!! Take in every minute with her <3

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melanie said...

Wow!!!! These are incredible!! So amazing to see all those moments and emotions captured on camera. So special. These were so much fun to look through.

Jessica Chapman said...

That was beautiful!



by Stephani Lynn Photography