Thursday, January 5, 2012

Bubblegum and Grace: A Personal Blog

Bubblegum and Grace

As I had the courage to roll my lazy, grumpy (and achy!)  butt out of bed this morning I thought to myself "Ohhh, I don't want to get up. My bed is warm. My back hurts. I just want to lay here for a few more minutes (or hours)." But, mama duty called, so I dug myself out of my nice, warm blankets I had been buried in for the past 6 hours and got my 3 year old up from bed. My 5 year old was already up. He's a morning person. He takes after his daddy with that one because obviously he does not get that from me!

I slipped into my warm, cozy slippers and headed downstairs, straight for  my BFF at 7am, the coffee pot! As I was walking into the kitchen I heard Christian, my 5 year old yell "Whoooa! Look!" and pointed out the window. I saw a pink glaze shining in from the window. "It looks like bubble gum!" Christian says.


Just what I needed this morning...

A bubble gum sky. Full of color and wonder.

God intended this sky to brighten up my morning. It's almost like He was saying "Hey. It's not so bad! Get up! Take in the wonder and awe of my creation. Today is a new day!"

So, of course me, being a photography nut, I grabbed my camera and snapped a few pictures. In light of the New Year, I recently started doing a sequence of photos throughout the year. One photo per week. So, this is the FIRST photo of the year. Such an inspiration, don't you think?

His grace is new every morning. (Lamentations 2:23)

We have to believe that no matter how frustrated, worn out, weary and upset we get we have to remember that HIS grace is NEW every MORNING. Yesterday is the past, today is a new day! So shake off all of those bad feelings and wake up knowing that you can start fresh today by the Grace of God.

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Amy W. said...

Wonderful post, Stephani. Love the view you captured. :)

Kandi Wall said...

Gorgeous! I always miss these, I'm usually at school when it's dark before the sun comes up.



by Stephani Lynn Photography