Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kerry and Dawn-Married!

Kerry and Dawn-MARRIED!
November 2009
Ashley, IN
I LOVED this couple! They are so nice...and so funny!! They are in theater, so it made for a fun wedding for sure. It was GORGEOUS out and not too cold! :) Other than the wedding dress being dropped in the toilet, me having a flat tire, and the power going out at the was a great day! Haha. We can all laugh about it now!
I LOVE this. Look at his look on his face!
LOOK at all the PEOPLE!!! Crazy madness.
It was a beautiful country wedding!

They are so cute!
People taking pictures. Imagine that ;) SOOOOO many photographers at the wedding...I'm telling ya.

FLAT TIRE!! Yes...that is the groom changing my TIRE!!! Soooo embarrasing. Laughing about it now for sure!

Soooo lovely :)

I love how the best man is resting his head on the groom's shoulders!

Aren't those horses beautiful?

The glitzy shoes :)

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by Stephani Lynn Photography